Another Episode in the Travels of a Senior Citizen Golden Retriever and his Errant Humans

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 10- Tonopah, NV

I hope no one thinks that we went off the road into a big lake or something just because we haven’t been able to post for a couple of days. The problem has been that there is very bad internet service in places where people don’t live, like where we are now. It makes the computer say stupid things, like that my blog doesn’t exist, while it’s showing it to me. Oh, well, we’ll bring you up to date.

We knew that Tuesday would be a travel day, but we didn’t know that it was going to wind up here. I think that these people like to make plans just to have the pleasure of changing them. Their information was that the weather in the area north of us, around Mono Lake, was going to get bad, so a spirited discussion ensued. The final result was the elimination of Mono and Hawthorne, Nevada, from the itinerary, and the addition of destinations to be named later. I suspect that Don may be harboring thoughts of visiting Rachel, Nevada, to investigate UFO activity along the Extraterrestrial Highway.

The good news was that I got another great romp in the Bishop City Park, which I thoroughly enjoyed, before we left. I’ll remember Bishop very fondly. Anytime they want to come back here, I’ll be aboard. So, we got underway around noon and headed east on Highway 6. There’s a sign at the start of the highway that tickled us, and I think that Don will post a photo of it. Don says the rest of the trip was pretty boring; I don’t know, I napped through it. When we arrived in Tonopah, they scurried off to go to a museum that’s right next door to what passes for an RV Park in this town, a parking lot with utilities. I can’t see that there are going to be any great attractions for me in this place, but we’re only going to be here for a couple of nights, so no big deal. Leftovers for dinner, but a few good plates out of it. They spent some time at the nearby Hotel Casino, and at least Don came back smiling.

I think I’ve given you the impression that I don’t have a lot of hope for things of interest for me in this locale. Grassy parks don’t seem to be a big item here. That’s OK, my day will come, I’m sure. So, toodle-oo for tonight!

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