Another Episode in the Travels of a Senior Citizen Golden Retriever and his Errant Humans

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Here's some pics from the get together the other night!  Don says it took awhile to get them developed.

Matt's ready for dinner!

Kiera's got a thing for GGMa Geri

The gang hanging out at the rig
Day 17- Las Vegas

I tend to have mixed feelings about visiting here; I do love the Resort, the nice people, the beautiful grass, the park we go to in the morning, and the chance to visit with the grandkids.  On the other hand, this place has so many attractions for Geri and Don that I can't be a part of, it results in their being separated from me frequently.    It's not that I can't exist without them, it's just that I enjoy their company so much that I love being with them.  But I do get a lot of sleep, which I need in this warm weather.  Oh, well, so much for that.

Don and I had another very pleasant walk around the park this morning; hardly anyone else was there, except for a lady yellow lab who looked interested in meeting me, but was discouraged by her human.  But I got to do a lot of rolling and sniffing, moving at my own pace.  Don never tries to hurry me along, 'cause he says it's my walk, not his.  When we got back to the coach, we all had a quiet time with a little reading, TV and napping.  It wasn't until the mid-afternoon that they arrived at a plan of action for the rest of the day.  They finally got their act together and took off in the truck, and didn't return until about 6 o'clock, past my dinner time!  Geri told me that they had set up an appointment for me tomorrow to get a bath and grooming at Petco, and had met with a vendor for some T-shirts that a friend of ours wants to buy.  The also had to pay a visit to a money machine place, where, Geri said, Don had hit a very nice jackpot for an amount that would keep me in treats for quite a while.  I guess that's why he was in such a good mood.

After I had dinner and a walk through the Resort with Geri, they left again to have their dinner.  When they returned, Geri told me they had gone to the Bootlegger, one of their favorite Italian restaurants here.  She even had some containers that they had used for their leftover food for me to clean up.  It really was good!  Don and I quickly put the blog together, and we all made an early night of it.  Hope you're having as good a time as we are!  Buona Notte!

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