Another Episode in the Travels of a Senior Citizen Golden Retriever and his Errant Humans

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 21- Pomona, CA

Some of you may be wondering what happened to yesterday's blog posting; so am I! So is Don! The fact is that we had almost finished our inputs to it when it mysteriously disappeared from the screen! I watched as Don went through every trick he could think of to get it back, but it was absolutely gone! He was using some words which he would never allow me to use in the blog. When he finally gave up, he told me that he was not about to start all over again, and I would just have to wait until tomorrow to post an abbreviated version of my observations. Can't argue with the Data Entry Clerk. Without him, I have no voice! So, I'll try to give you an overview of yesterday's activities, plus an account of today's.

Yesterday was kind of messy. It started out just fine, with Don up early, fixing my breakfast at a reasonable time, and joining me for a good walk at the park. When we got back to the rig, Geri was doing laundry, which meant we were on our own to amuse ourselves. I took a nap, Don browsed the internet. After lunch, we all took off in the truck to accomplish one of Don's Must Do Items on his list; see the new Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge! So, we trundled south to Boulder City and the Dam, not a short ride. As we approached the bridge, Don was looking for a parking area for a Vista Point, which he was sure they would have provided. Not so! We crossed the bridge, which is fitted with high walls on each side, allowing you to see nothing of the scenery. So, we doubled back, seeking the road down to the Dam, so we could view the bridge from there. Nothing. It appears that you can't access the Dam from the Arizona side. So, back across the bridge, where we were able to see that there is a pedestrian walkway on the Dam side of the bridge, accessible from a parking lot way down below the bridge via a very steep ramp/stairway. So much for that. Back to Vegas.

We next investigated a Dog Park not too far from the Resort that a neighbor (the one with the boisterous Golden Boys) had told us about. When we finally found the place, we had to run a gauntlet next to the small dog portion of the park, which contained about a half dozen Beagles, Terriers, and assorted other blood-thirsty mini-canines, all of them loudly proclaiming their desire to rip the flesh from my bones. Fortunately, a strong wire fence protected me from the damages they desired to inflict. When we got to the large dog section, I found it to be of poor quality. The grass, such as it was, grew very sparsely, more dirt than grass. The shrubs and trees were of poor quality, and some were close to death. I made it very clear that this was not to my liking, so we braved the corridor of yappers again and got in the truck to return home.

I was ready to call the day a complete bust, with no redeeming value other than my dinner, which Geri was happy to feed me. They decided to find solace in their dinner, which they went over to the Silverton to have. They came back a few hours later, raving about the prime rib they had consumed. Notably, the containers of remnants that they carried with them were not intended for sharing. Geri was particularly pleased, having had a remunerative experience with the money machines. Don, less so. And when Blogspot ate our posting, his evening turned into a total black hole. He and I both went to bed shortly after that.

Today, Saturday, was a travel day. We left our beloved Vegas home around eleven, after a final good walk at the park, though we didn't meet any of our friends. After a successful fueling stop in Primm, we charged down Highway 15, then down the 10 to Pomona, where we made it to the Eastshore RV Park, a place we have stayed several times before. We like it a lot here, 'cause it's very grassy, is beautifully located on a hilly site overlooking a lake, with big mountains in the background. I don't know how long we'll be here, but I think I'll enjoy it! Oh, by the way, Don got back to cooking dinner tonight; salmon with some tortellini and green beans. I got some good plates, finally! Bonjour, tristesse!

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